Monday, April 16, 2007

Bangalore Photography Festival 2007

So, the 'BPF" as we shall call it kicked off in style yesterday... without my photos! Despite the fact I should have had a couple on display, in very Indian style, things didn't go according to plan and instead of posting photos in the relevant categories each day, the organizers have decided to post random photos on random days, making it hard to know when your shots will be up. The 'BPF' is on the lower level of the Leela Galleria and features five or six rows of 'professional' framed photos, then a couple of rows of 'amateur' mounted shots. Problem is, you don't know why they're there as there's no explanation about the 'amateur' shots, so you just think that those folk couldn't be bothered framing their pix! We shall wait with baited breath to see when mine appear...