Monday, February 18, 2008


So, while laying in my hospital bed, some unscrupulous internet travel company from Italy that I have never used nor heard of stole around $700 from my checking account!  That's just what you need to come home to.  And the process of getting it back is as painful as surgery.  It all started when I looked at our online statement on Friday and realized that there was a chunk of money missing, but the itemized posting hadn't appeared yet so I called up the bank.  They told me the amount and company, even giving me a phone number, but said they couldn't do anything about it until it had 'posted' onto the account - why didn't I call them?  We actually tried the number - doesn't exist - but I didn't feel it my job to call them, given I hadn't even heard of them!  And how weird not to be able to do anything - basically, let them take the money first, without stopping them, then get it back.  Cart before horse?  They then went onto tell me that the card number used was one that isn't even in our possession.  Nor have we ever met.  So they closed the card.  The weekend passed and on Tuesday, I called again.  Did it post?  No.  Could I stop it posting?  No.  After 45 minutes on the phone, we figured out that the guy we're talking to is literally 10 minutes down the road from us here in India.  I asked if he could just pop around and give me the money.  He declined.  He did recommend that once I was reimbursed, I should take all the money out of the account, close it, and reopen another.  I told him that after three rounds of fraud in two years, I was ready to take all the money out and just close it.  Finally, on Wednesday, five days after me first spotting it, the fraudsters took all my money - and more - and it posted on the account.  I called again.  I was told many contrary things - the card was just issued to me, no it wasn't, yes it was, oh no, in 2001, then in 2005.  Who knows why.  Then I was told I should have been sent straight to fraud on the Friday, and I wasn't.  Who knows why.  I shouldn't have been told to call the merchant, but I was.  Who knows why.  So, as we sit here, I am waiting to be credited for nearly $700 so I can go and take it all out of the bank for good.  I'm sure they won't miss me but the fraudsters who have plagued us probably will!